sâmbătă, 9 februarie 2008

Symbols, Sex And The Stars

Symbols, sex and the stars

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All that we do not know is miraculous (Tacitus)

Whenever knowledge has been insufficient o previde man with a true explanation of the mechanics of the universe, his imagination has invented one. In the effects of the sun and moon upon vegetable and animal life, in the varying length of the days, the changes of the seasons, and the influence of these chnges upon plant and animal life, man inevitably looked upon the heavenly bodies as the powers which governed his destiny.

In his search for explanations of how these deities of demons could accomplish tasks which were beyond his own ability to perform, ancient man developed a belief in the supernatural. In every part of the world and in practically every tribe or nation there were local gods who were believed to posess the ability to render themselves invisible, to violate the laws of gravity, to fly ghrought the air.....

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